-=[ 53L4M4T D4T4N9 ]=-

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Here I make some tutorial on how to optimize your internet connection either you're using 3G Broadband or other Internet Service Provider (ISP). This thing can make your internet go faster than usual, save your bandwith usage, always get connected to the internet.

Here we go. First step is you must run command prompt :

For Windows XP user : select 'Start' > 'Run' > type 'cmd'
For Windows 7 user : select 'Start' > type 'cmd' on search programs and files

Then you should get this like picture below.

In the command prompt, type


You'll got the result, then find your broadband connection.

See the "IPv4 Address"

Some other IP Address will look similar with Default Gateway
Then you type 

"ping -t"

(the RED must be you IPv4 Address)

Done. ^_^

But I also have simple way to make it easy optimize the internet connection.

1. Firstly, open the "Notepad / Text Document"

2. Then, type :

@echo off
ping -t

(the RED must be you IPv4 Address)

3.  Save as the filename, type ping.bat

4. Done. ^_^

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